Taylor Ferguson
Memorial Trust Fund
Thank You Sudbury Airport
A warm thank you to the Sudbury Airport for dedicating the proceeds from the "Change for Charity" box to the Taylor Ferguson Memorial Send-A-Kid to Camp Program from January through June 2015. This fund supports the Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation’s “Send-A-Kid To Camp” Program.

The Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation
7th Annual Charity Chair Auction
A great success. July 2015 marked the 7th anniversary of Taylor's Angel Day, and to commemorate him Peg Ferguson joined forces with us. Chair #20 was sponsored for Taylor. All donations received, as well as the proceeds from the chair went to Taylor's Memorial Fund. "Our "living testimony" to Taylor is now sending 3 local disadvantaged children to summer camp every year and I'm certain he would be very proud and thankful for the support received." A warm thank you to Peg Ferguson and to her family and friends who participated.