Taylor Ferguson

Memorial Trust Fund

In memory of Taylor

The Taylor Ferguson Memorial Trust Fund was established in 2008 in memory of Taylor Ferguson. This year marks the [calc]2025-2008[/calc]th Anniversary of Taylor’s angel day. Taylor was an avid outdoorsman who tragically passed away in a boating accident while on a camping trip with friends a very short time after his 20th birthday. The Memorial Fund was created to honour Taylor with the hopes of other children being able to enjoy Taylor’s passion for camping and the outdoor experience in his memory.


The growth of the investments in Taylor’s Trust is derived from designated donations and various family run fundraisers. The interest generated from the investments each year is used to send children to summer camp. As of 2021, over 35 disadvantaged children have been sent to camp directly due to proceeds from Taylor’s Trust.

We are proud to announce that with the interest generated by the Trust Fund, Peg and Lyndon have graciously decided to also support the SMCF PLAY Program (Positive Leisure Activities for Youth). The PLAY Program is dedicated to removing barriers to support marginalized youths can participate in organized sport, recreation, and leisure programs. The contributions from the Trust Fund will further ensure that all kids “get that chance to PLAY”.

We are thankful that Peg and Lyndon Ferguson, their extended family and friends continue to carry the torch of Taylor’s passions though the Trust Fund. With their efforts, the Trust Fund continues to support young people in our community through the Send-A-Kid To Camp, and now the PLAY Program, offering many disadvantaged children the opportunity to go to camp. With your support, we look forward to helping children make lasting summer memories.

Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation (SMCF) has done an amazing job updating Taylor's Memorial Trust Fund page on their website. The short video produced reminds me exactly why this Memorial Fund exists and the fantastic work it does sending kids to camp.
Anyone who knew Taylor will feel as connected to him as we do while watching. Those whom he did not meet will certainly understand what a special person he was and how he lives on through each child sent to camp in his memory.

Every like, share, view and donation proves that although Taylor is no longer here with us, his memory lives on.

Thank you everyone,



Despite the challenges faced in 2021, the Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation Send A Kid to Camp program continued to provide unforgettable camp experiences for local children. The Taylor Ferguson Memorial Trust Fund is proud to have sent 3 kids to camp this summer. Since its inception in 2008, 35 children have enjoyed camp experiences, made possible by continued donations.

Thank You Sudbury Airport

A warm thank you to the Sudbury Airport for dedicating the proceeds from the "Change for Charity" box to the Taylor Ferguson Memorial Send-A-Kid to Camp Program from January through June 2015. This fund supports the Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation’s “Send-A-Kid To Camp” Program.

The Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation

7th Annual Charity Chair Auction

A great success. July 2015 marked the 7th anniversary of Taylor's Angel Day, and to commemorate him Peg Ferguson joined forces with us. Chair #20 was sponsored for Taylor. All donations received, as well as the proceeds from the chair went to Taylor's Memorial Fund. "Our "living testimony" to Taylor is now sending 3 local disadvantaged children to summer camp every year and I'm certain he would be very proud and thankful for the support received." A warm thank you to Peg Ferguson and to her family and friends who participated.
