What is Send-A-Kid To Camp?
The Send-A-Kid To Camp Program is an initiative of the Sudbury Manitoulin Children’s Foundation (SMCF) that provides deserving children between the ages of 5 and 14 with the opportunity to attend summer camp.
Some parents cannot afford the cost of sending their children to camp; some children live in violent or abusive households. With this program, children who otherwise don’t have the opportunity to enjoy such an experience get to live out the fun, freedom, and excitement that summer camp brings. With Send-A-Kid To Camp, deserving children get to just be ‘kids’.
This program has helped close to over 20,000 disadvantaged children experience the joys of summer camp since its initiation in 1984.
Our Goal
Our goal is to ensure that we are in a position to offer every child referred to the Send-A-Kid To Camp Program the opportunity to attend summer camp. This program is designed to encompass the whole camping experience for marginalized children by covering all camp fees, assisting with transportation to and from camp, and providing basic necessities and sleeping bags for children who may need them. We strive to never turn a child away, and for the majority of the years this program has been running, it has been successful at reaching this goal. The average cost to send a child to summer camp was $600 in 2023 - this cost continues to rise every year. With the generous help of our community and various foundation corporations and other partners this program continues to meet its goal by providing much needed camping opportunities for those marginalized children who so desperately are in need of some sunshine and happy times.