Host An Event

With your help,
disadvantaged children in our community went to camp last summer.

Host A Fundraising Activity

Helping the Sudbury Manitoulin Children's Foundation (SMCF) can take on many forms including planning your own fundraising activity. It’s as easy as organizing a group to participate in one of our annual SMCF events or inviting people to donate to SMCF in lieu of gifts at your next party.

Read on for more great ideas on how you can have fun and make a difference for some disadvantaged children in your community.




SMCF Annual Dress Down Day

Every year, local businesses and organizations are encouraged to register to participate in the SMCF Dress Down Day. Employees dress down and donate $2 to the SMCF Send-A-Kid To Camp Program. We have had great success over the last several years we have hosted this event. You can also challenge another business for some friendly competition. If your business is interested in participating, contact our office or through email at [email protected] for more information.

Professional business colleagues men and women discussing charts in modern office
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SMCF Charity Chairs Auction

Every year, local businesses and artisans donate their time and money to create hand-painted Muskoka chairs for the SMCF Charity Chairs Auction. We are currently preparing for a virtual auction and recruiting sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring a chair or lending your artistic talents to this event please contact our office at (705)673-2227 or through email at [email protected] for information.

Ideas For Your Fundraising Activity

  • Host a party and ask guests to make donations in lieu of bringing gifts
  • Host your own mini sporting tournament for family and friends
  • Organize a bake or plant sale or afternoon BBQ
  • Organize a 50/50 raffle with us
  • Plan a street yard sale
  • Donate an item for raffle
  • Get your teenagers involved and set up a Charity Car Wash
  • Host a Game Night or Video Game Challenge
  • Not sure what you want to do? Call the office and we can discuss more possibilities.


If you are interested in helping us help the kids in our community,
contact our office by phone at 705-673-227, or by email at [email protected].

Please Note: Our charitable organization number is 119205037RR0001. Tax Receipts will be issued for donations over $20 when full name and address of the donor is supplied. Certain types of contributions (e.g. purchase of tickets to a benefit concert) may not qualify as donations and therefore may not be eligible for a tax receipt. Personal cheques should be made out to “Sudbury Manitoulin Children’s Foundation”. Please do not send cash donations in the mail.

A heartfelt thank you for your interest in helping us raise funds to support our "Send-A-Kid To Camp" Program which sends hundreds of disadvantaged community children to summer camp each year.